“5 Things You Should Realize About Fear”

“5 Things You Should Realize About Fear”
by Declan O Flaherty

“1. Thoughts motivated by fear are based around an imaginary reality. We don’t know for sure that an outcome is going to happen the way our doubtful mind tells us it will, so it’s fair to assume these thoughts can’t possibly be true until we actually push through and see for ourselves. Accepting our fearful thoughts as true creates a limited consciousness, letting them pass by leads us to experience the ACTUAL truth.

2. The cure for fear is to experience the thoughts and physical sensations in that moment. This requires awareness and it is the foundation of all that is true. Resisting fear gives it more power, accept that it is nothing more than a thought and your thoughts only have as much power as you allow them to have.

3. Fear is not something we can get rid of, no more than we can get rid of love. The goal here is to accept everything in our lives completely. Don’t cringe, worry or think you are in any way weak when you feel fearful, remind yourself that it is a part of life and the sooner you learn to accept this fact, the sooner you will realize it can be controlled. Fear is not the problem…it is our reaction to fear that creates the problem.

4. Never forget that fear is meant to keep you safe. Unfortunately in this day and age it has gotten out of control. We are programmed to be fearful of everything these days through disgraceful news publications, economic crises, pollution and so on. The fact is though, you have the power to choose what to follow. Limit your exposure to bad news and replace it with the opposite, after a short time you will begin to realize your thoughts are much more positive and your actions follow in kind.

5. We never know for sure what’s going to happen from one moment to the next. Fear makes you think that something negative is going to happen when in reality we don’t know if this is true. Learn to embrace the unknown, learn to be content in the moment and ride the wave at its peak without worrying about whats around the corner or what MIGHT happen down the line. Be as present as possible and flow through life with the expectation that good things are going to happen. In fact, recognize all the good things in your life right now and give gratitude for what you have rather than wishing for the things you have not.

Life is a matter of perception…perception is a matter of mind, and you are the one who controls that.”

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