"The American Fascist Sandwich: Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps"

"The American Fascist Sandwich:
Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps"
by Activist Post

"The Bill of Rights is no more. On December 15th, 2011 at the hands of a metastasizing malignancy, masquerading as purveyors of freedom, whatever hope we had of liberty and the pursuit of peace was officially assassinated. We are now a police state. Overwhelming feelings of searing rage and disgust at the wicked abomination that is our Congress and President cannot be contained. Our government, courts, military and law enforcement - which have been controlled by socio/psychopaths for decades - continues to decompose into a rabid, sleazy, moronic, delusional group of arrogant, self-serving, sycophantic, greedy, whores.

It's time to dispense with semantic subtleties meant to placate and avoid offense. Diplomacy is reserved for those who are worthy. No more time to waste on pandering to, analyzing, intellectualizing or sugar-coating treachery. The State is the enemy of the people. Those responsible for instilling fear, subjugation, humiliation, imprisonment, torture and murder are our own government terrorists-the U.S. Congress, the President of the United States and their minions.

They have betrayed the American citizenry, as they have the rest of the world. They have defiled and destroyed the Constitution. They have committed treason. They are grinding the 99% into the ground with every stroke of the pen; every vote cast in the name of enriching their corporate umbilical cords and bank accounts. They do not deserve respect. They are thieves who have hijacked their positions of power. They deserve exactly what the National Defense Authorization Act will now so freely foist upon the rest of us - to be tossed into a hole to rot somewhere without benefit of charges, trial, or protection from torture and murder, for the rest of their miserable, worthless existences.

One owes no civility to barbarians. No benevolence to fascists. Capitol Hill and the White House have declared war on the American people. Their intent is crystal clear for all paying attention. Conspiracy theory 'lunatics' are having the last laugh as their warnings are now bearing fruit. It is no longer outrageous conjecture to believe our own government is intent on our demise. The United States Army is actively recruiting individuals for internment camp guards. The military does not recruit people for phantom positions for which they intend no future use.

It is time for the populace to withdraw from the mindless euphoria of consumerism that has become their god and WAKE UP. Our chances for survival can only come if we are focused on the threat at hand. We do not have the power to confront the police state head on, but it can and must be circumvented. We must not cooperate. Totalitarianism must be denied legitimacy. It demands defiance. However small or large and in whatever non-complying way each individual finds to do so. We must not allow ourselves to go passively to slaughter. There are no merciful tyrants. No quasi-democracies which do not degrade into homicidal fascism. History has foretold our future. Pol Pot, Mao Tse-Tung, Stalin, Hitler - countless millions met their end without a whimper. For those believing our fate will be any different, you seal your own doom.

The lessons of Germany's atrocities are barely 66 years behind us. And yet the father of modern fascism in America, Ronald Reagan, began his assault on our liberties a mere 35 years after the smoldering stench of the death camps. We did not rise up as he busted unions, gave multimillionaires and corporations free reign, slashed wages for the working class and took a blowtorch to social safety nets. He militarized our civilian police force by inventing the "War on Drugs" while simultaneously partnering with Colombian drug cartels to import tons of pure cocaine into the U.S. via the CIA; money which was then used - along with his treasonous arms sales to Iran - to fund his covert war in Central America, where Reagan's henchmen trained "death squads" responsible for massacring hundreds of thousands of pro-democracy villagers. He did no less than target the poor in this country for extermination through legislation. He set the precedent for today's legislative atrocities.

Every man awarded the top prize of the White House since Reagan, has cranked his torturer's rack a little tighter; squeezing more blood and sweat from the powerless. One in two citizens is now hovering at poverty level. Homelessness, joblessness and hunger are at an all time high. It's a monstrous lie to call what we are experiencing a recession. It is a depression for all but the wealthy - no matter the propaganda spewed daily over the corporate airwaves claiming otherwise. Yet, Congress is never at a loss to award itself annual pay raises, even though most have personal wealth in the multiple millions and refuse to set a federal minimum wage above slave levels.

They can easily find another billion to add to the imperial war chest whenever needed, as they continue to siphon off billions more from taxpayers to divvy up between themselves and their cronies. Their gold standard health care coverage and cushy retirement packages along with myriad other perks - not to mention lucrative insider trading and backdoor deals cut with their corporate sponsors to insure millions in future income - assures them 100% protection as they pompously and with overt, contemptuous hypocrisy, demand ever more austerity from those who are shoeless and threadbare. Members of Congress have, without an ounce of shame, labeled the poor "slackers" and "deadbeats," failing to recognize that this description instead fits these elitist, government welfare parasites to a T.

The mob has more ethics than the collection of human waste occupying most of the government positions in our country today. At the very least, the Mafia never abandons their families to starvation and homelessness. Only those professing "Christian family values" partake in such criminal behavior. With Christians like these, their motto should  be: "What a friend we have in Satan!" There is no empathy, compassion, or goodness in them.

Our rights, however fleeting and illusionary they may have been, have now been solidly extinguished. We are at the mercy of the merciless. Our jobs, homes, bellies and very existences are undergoing unprecedented assaults. We have been pushed to the wall; becoming fodder for the psychopaths at the top who are bent on our destruction. NOW IS THE TIME TO RESIST.

There will be many people who believe if they "cooperate" they will be spared the horrors of police state brutality. The world is full of as yet, undiscovered, anonymous 'pits of death' housing the remains of those who naively believed exactly the same thing. There are fates far worse than death; living in constant fear, having one's dignity repeatedly assaulted, being subjected to humiliating, inhumane conditions, tortured and debased, allowing others to reduce our individual humanity down to pleading, whimpering and groveling. Life at any cost is not "living."

We have a higher moral allegiance to support our friends, neighbors and local community over and above the self-serving dictates of an evil government. Without the eyes and ears of 313 million people choosing NOT to arbitrarily and without just cause, inform on others, the police state becomes seriously impotent. There are only so many people the government has to man cameras, joysticks, computer screens, eavesdropping and tracking devices and to collate information into their mega-databases. Their numbers comprise, on the high end, multiple thousands.

We can begin our self-empowerment by forming micro resistance groups composed of trusted friends and family who set the same goals and strategize together. Choosing to shut down the personal flow of information about ourselves whenever possible, even if it may mean major inconveniences, can be an effective way to resist police state intrusions. This may require making several lifestyle changes in order to facilitate making the information the government already has, obsolete; giving up drivers licenses when the state demands fingerprints/biometric info and switching to bicycles, carpools or public transportation; closing banks accounts, using cash and placing money in non-traditional locations; accepting less pay or creating self-employment to remove one's self from the information requirements of intrusive employers; bartering to reduce paper trails; declining to provide information on a plethora of fronts we are bombarded with daily, i.e., discount "club" card applications, membership and participation in social networking sites, access to library privileges, signing petitions, etc.

In short, every time our personal information is required, for whatever reason, we must have the courage to decline, even if it means accepting some harsh consequences. While some may reject this form of defiance as highly impractical (and in some cases impossible), they must be reminded that the reality of doing nothing may mean being torn from your home, family, friends and livelihood to endure hard labor, torture and possible extermination in an internment camp.

Everyone can do at least some of these things to help protect their privacy and therefore reduce their chance of becoming the government's prey. We cannot control what a police state does to us, but we do have the power to control how we react to it - making it far more difficult for fascism to operate. As Mahatma Gandhi proved, massive non-cooperation is revolutionary in crushing totalitarianism.

Each of us as Americans has a duty to resist this government. Anything less, virtually assures our total enslavement and death.

If you are one of those who still can't wrap your head around what is taking place in America, remember the American-Japanese internment camps of WWII. Now fast-forward to December 2002. The Bush administration notified over 10,000 men of Middle Eastern descent to appear for a "special registration." When they complied, they were promptly arrested and interrogated; strip-searched, denied lawyers and hauled away to detention centers. None of these individuals had committed crimes. Whether 1945 or 2002 nothing has changed - nor will it, until we actively circumvent fascism.

May we find unity, strength, courage and resolve in resisting the forces of evil calling themselves "champions of freedom" - for the darkest days and years have just begun.”

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