"Mysterious, Frightening Sounds Worldwide", A Comment

Jeff Rense & Charles Smith, "Mysterious, Frightening Sounds Worldwide"
We don't normally deal with this type of material here, but I'm posting it because of a personal experience which may be related. Several months ago while on my daily walk in the desert I, too, heard something very unusual. It was a bright, clear day, no clouds, when to the north at about a 45 degree angle I heard a sound unlike anything I've ever heard before. A massive, almost thunder noise, very distant but quite distinct, constant in intensity, not fading or intermittent like thunder. Instinctively looking to where the sound came from revealed nothing at all, just clear blue sky. It lasted for about 2 minutes, never changing pitch or volume, then seemed to fade as it moved away. Yeah, I know, too much cactus juice, but the only thing that it even remotely reminded me of was the scene in the movie "Independence Day" when the alien craft enter the atmosphere over the worlds cities. Whatever caused the sound I heard simply had to be that massive, yet was nowhere to be seen. I have no clue what it was, or what caused it, but this phenomenon seems to be world wide. A curiosity... - CP
Hat tip to Alex Noble for this material.

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