"Biophotons: The Eye Emits Actual Light"
"Biophotons: The Eye Emits Actual Light"
by GreenMedInfo
"Look deeply into the human eye, and you are bound to get lost in its abysmal beauty. Much like mirrors facing one another in the dizzying cascade of visual infinitude, the seer gets lost in the spectacle, of which s(he) forms a part, i.e, you are an eye seeing at the same moment that you are seeing an eye; percipient and perceptible; seeing and visible. That exquisite aperture - the mammalian eye - through which the light of the Universe passes into the darkest recesses of the human brain, is actually an extension of the nervous system - that like a plant - grows towards the light which nourishes it. Nourishes it how? With both energy and information, which is the very dual nature of Light.
In another study published in May 2011 in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, on the bioluminescence of the mammalian eye, an explanation of "negative afterimages" is provided. A common example of a negative aftermage is the bright glow that seems to float before one's eyes after looking into a light source for a few seconds. More details here: "The delayed luminescence of biological tissues is an ultraweak reemission of absorbed photons after exposure to external monochromatic or white light illumination. Recently, Wang, Bókkon, Dai and Antal (2011) [10] presented the first experimental proof of the existence of spontaneous ultraweak biophoton emission and visible light induced delayed ultraweak photon emission from in vitro freshly isolated rat's whole eye, lens, vitreous humor and retina. Here, we suggest that the photobiophysical source of negative afterimage can also occur within the eye by delayed bioluminescent photons. In other words, when we stare at a colored (or white) image for few seconds, external photons can induce excited electronic states within different parts of the eye that is followed by a delayed reemission of absorbed photons for several seconds. Finally, these reemitted photons can be absorbed by non-bleached photoreceptors that produce a negative afterimage. Although this suggests the photobiophysical source of negative afterimages is related retinal mechanisms, cortical neurons have also essential contribution in the interpretation and modulation of negative afterimages." View Source.
The light that emanates through the "window of the soul," the human eye, is not "imagined," but real and these biophotons contain energy and information (wave-particle complementarity of Light), capable of transforming our understanding of one another, and ourselves."
- http://www.sott.net/
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