"The 17 Foot Tall Insectoid Robo-Warriors From the Planet Zandor"

So... we're spending a TRILLION dollars a year "defending" ourselves. Who or what, exactly, are we "defending" ourselves from? Russia, as an example, spent $71 billion last year on their military. Besides the always lurking nuclear threat, they're no threat to anyone but themselves at this point. China? Our best-friends-forever trading partner and financial master? Not likely. OK, who's left? The CIA says there are no more than 50 Al-Quaida guys running loose in Afghanistan causing all that mess. Don't need a trillion dollars a year to get rid of them. Hmm... what are we missing, boys and girls, that justifies this astonishing amount of military spending? Wait a second, it couldn't be possible, could it? Not that! Oh no! The rumors must be true! We really have been invaded by the 17 foot tall insectoid robo-warriors from the planet Zandor! That's the only thing that makes sense, because God knows there's nobody on this planet that could challenge us militarily... CP

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