Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.13.12”

“Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.13.12”
By Greg Hunter’s

“The biggest story not in the news is the upcoming meeting, this weekend, in Turkey about Iran’s nuclear program.  The U.S is meeting with Iran along with Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China.  It is nothing short of an attempt to avoid World War III.  Sanctions from the West against Iran are ratcheting up, while Iran retaliates by cutting off oil to Europe.  I cannot see an amicable end to this gathering of world powers.  I hope I am totally wrong.  There is a cease-fire in Syria in its yearlong uprising; many do not expect it to last.  More than 9,000 have been killed in the fighting.  North Korea has reportedly launched another ballistic missile which failed shortly after lift-off. This part of the Axis of Evil is alive and well and will surely try again.

The GOP presidential race lost another candidate.  This time it was Rick Santorum that ran out of steam.  That leaves Gingrich, Paul and frontrunner Romney.  Paul has vowed to last up until the Republican convention.  It is doubtful Gingrich will have enough money to go that far.  The European debt crisis is getting worse.  The IMF is asking for another $400 billion to shore up the crisis. Greece is in riot mode, and Spain looks like it will be the next to fall.  Unemployment is rocketing in the EU while the economy is plunging.  Analyst Graham Summers thinks Europe crashes by June.

Finally, is there any wonder why gold rallied this week?  Many experts say it will hit $2,000 per ounce this year.  If Europe implodes, that estimate could be a little low.  Greg Hunter brings you these stories and his analysis in the latest Weekly News Wrap-Up.”

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