Paul Krugman, "The Mendacity Is The Message"

"The Mendacity Is The Message"
by Paul Krugman

"Here’s the bad news: Mitt Romney’s campaign is setting new standards in serial dishonesty. Really. He makes Bush look like a font of truth and accuracy. Here’s the good news: reporters seem to have noticed, and — be still my beating heart — we’re starting to see reports that actually point out the distortions, rather than saying that “some Democrats” say that he isn’t being honest. It was particularly gratifying to see the response to Romney’s ludicrous claim that Obama is anti-woman because women have lost more jobs than men since he took office. This was cherry-picking raised to the level of an Olympic sport; let me reproduce a chart from Jared Bernstein:

And whaddya know, several of the news reports I’ve seen make the mendacity, not the original claim, the centerpiece of the story.


The core of Romney’s campaign strategy seems to be contempt for the news media (and the voters), the belief that he can say anything and pay no price — which was the way things worked for Bush. But maybe, just maybe, his calculation was wrong, and serial dishonesty will become, justifiably, part of the narrative.”

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