“Psychopaths in Business and Politics”
by Johann Redelinghuys
“You find them in business and politics. They are smooth, charming and persuasive. Sometimes they project an image of caring. Sometimes they shy away from the spotlight. But the only thing they are really interested in is power. History is littered with elected leaders who, once they are in positions of power, end up being uncaring ego-maniacs who manipulate and do dirty deals for their own benefit. Famous psychopaths and evil leaders like Hitler, among many others, who were elected leaders, and were in their positions with the support of their people.
Here at Mangaung in December, the ANC will once again hunker down and choose its leader, who inevitably will be the next president of South Africa. Politicians of all stripes will be making their promises and trying to impress the electorate. The air is dense with lobbying. The media do their probing and searching for any titbit of scandal or misdemeanour that can change or influence opinions. These days, like movie stars, political leaders have teams of advisors, style consultants and publicists, grooming their every movement and policy speech. And we, members of the exhausted electorate, have to find some sensible way of assessing the real character and personality of those campaigning for our votes.
What do we base our decisions on? And what do the people of the United States base their decisions on? In China, almost nobody argues with authority and people are simply told what will happen. But in the big democracies, how do we assess Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Or at home, Motlanthe versus Zuma? Is it what the man says and how he projects? Is it possible to get any real understanding of his track record? Do we trust him, in any case, to do what he says?
Please beware. Politicians are not in this for the altruistic ideals they espouse. The political aphrodisiac is power. It is the ability to stride with kings and presidents, and the sure knowledge that your opinions will be listened to and acted upon.
And before we laugh, it is no different in business. In a recent piece of research, Clive Brody at Nottingham Trent University referred to the "corporate psychopaths" who caused the economic crisis because of "their lack of conscience... and their inability to have any feelings, empathy or sympathy for people". The other expert in psychopathy is Canadian Robert Hare, who found that a significant percentage of business leaders display "definite signs of being psychopaths". The extraordinary thing is that it is the very qualities that make people attractive to us as forceful, strong leaders that often conceal the worst parts of their personalities. So, in business as in politics, watch out for the suave manipulator who makes all those promises, and look again at what Jim Collins, author of Good to Great calls the "level five" leader: the outstanding one who will do an excellent job and who is usually an introvert, the one who shies away from the limelight.”
- http://www.sott.net/
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