"Being John Wayne, Or Not..."
by CoyotePrime
I and the other 17’ers were sent on a “Med Cruise”, as part of the landing battalion aboard the Navy’s 6th Fleet ships patrolling the Mediterranean. We soon began receiving mail from our buddies in the ‘Nam. Things weren’t going so well, guys were getting killed, and where was John Wayne when we needed him? Eventually a letter came to another guy, telling of the slaughter of most of our friends. The VietCong, clever as they were, had dug up a misfired 155 mm artillery round and made a booby trap of it. In their new unit our buddies came boppin' down the trail, and someone stepped on it, killing 11 of them, including my friend Hart, all ripped to pieces by the tremendous explosion. My most terrifying thought was that if I’d been a few months older, I’d have been either in front or behind him at that moment, and killed with the rest.
This was another life changing moment. This was for REAL! People were really getting killed! And I had to know why. Not just the bullshit, flag-waving, “bringing democracy” crap- does that sound familiar right now?- but what were the real forces that made wars happen, and why did so many people die in these tribalistic mass murders. Tragically, the answer is economic: we are in competition with other nations for control of resources of every kind like oil, rubber, metals, natural gas, and food, and all the other necessities we need to sustain our current way of life. And, of course, the money and power that comes along during the process, to a privileged few. They won’t ask you to die for Exxon/Mobil, and you’d tell them to go to hell if they did, but they’ll volunteer to die defending Mom, apple pie, and the good old “American way of life”. We'll die for an ideal like "patriotism", but not for the truth. And that’s how they’ve worked this deal, since the dawn of man. War is a very, very bad thing...
- http://coyoteprime-runningcauseicantfly.blogspot.com/
Originally posted Saturday, September 13, 2008
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