"Living Memorial Sculpture Garden"

"Living Memorial Sculpture Garden"
Dedicated to all Veterans

"After all the deeds are done and the soldier goes back home, sits alone in front of a warm fire on a cold night having time to think his own thoughts, he may ask himself a few questions. "Why me?" "Why not me?" "Why him and not me?" "Why war?" "Why not war?" The WHY questions are endless."

Living Memorial Sculpture Garden, upon the Northwest Slope of Mount Shasta,
off Hwy 97, Siskiyou Co., Northern California. Dennis Smith, Artist.

"A small forest of trees.
A living tribute, to many fallen.
Considering war, and the effects of war.
A place for reflection and remembrance.
A place for healing and reconciliation.
Dedicated to all veterans.
A place for everyone."

Please view the many powerful sculptures here:

Hat tip to Julie Mitchell for this material.

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