"Liars, Damn Liars, And Budgets"

"Liars, Damn Liars, And Budgets"
by Karl Denninger

"You know the government never tells the truth, right? The U.S. government’s budget deficit widened in June, as spending jumped 9.3 percent from the same month a year ago. The deficit expanded 38.7 percent to $59.7 billion from a $43.1 billion shortfall in June 2011, the Treasury Department said today in Washington. The gap matches the projected $60 billion deficit, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey. For the first nine months of this fiscal year the deficit was 6.8 percent narrower than in the year-earlier period.

Uh huh. Here's the table from the "Debt To the Penny" web site, which covers all debt increases, including the "trust funds."  The right most figure is the debt change for the month.

$59 billion?  More like $85 billion, on a run-rate for $1.267 trillion this calendar year ($633 billion thus far since January.)"


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