"Discovery of the Higgs Boson God Particle– What Does it Mean?"
What Does it Mean?"
by Ryan Dube
"By now, you have likely heard the recent CERN announcement about the discovery of the Higgs boson – the so-called “God Particle.” Unfortunately, few people really understand what the particle is or what the discovery means, and few particle physicists out there are able to explain it in a way that is easy for the lay person to understand. It is essentially like Galileo attempting to convince humanity– and more specifically the Church– that the Earth was not in fact the center of the Universe. As fantastical as it sounds, the discovery of the Higgs boson is no less Earth-shattering. The presence of the particle transforms something that was formerly invisible, into a visible and measureable entity. It can help science to explain how and why “things”– matter, objects, people and life itself– could come to exist in a Universe filled with nothing but subatomic particles.
Scientists at the Tevatron at Fermi National Accelerator Lab and Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois shut down in 2011 after spending years attempting to produce and detect the Higgs Boson. Two years ago, CERN– a multinational research center headquartered in Geneva- built the massive Large Hadron Collider. It was a $10.5 billion project that resulted in a particle accelerator that is 17-miles (27-kilometers) in circumference. The accelerator collides billions of subatomic particles that are all traveling at near the speed of light. The collisions produce effects, and from the data gathered, scientists determine whether there were any new particles produced, such as the Higgs boson.
10,000 scientists around the world work on data produced by the accelerator, but no one – even Higgs himself – ever expected that the Higgs boson would be discovered two years later. Higgs never believed his theoretical partical would be discovered in his lifetime. At age 83, he spoke at the press conference in Edinburgh, and told reporters: “At the beginning I had no idea a discovery would be made in my lifetime. It’s very nice to be right sometimes.”
The one thing that most scientists agree on at this point is that the discovery is solid – a “Five Sigma” finding, the gold standard in particle physics – and that this one single discovery could now spawn multiple amazing, Earth-shattering discoveries about reality in the very near future. It is an exciting time for the human race – and with the discovery of the Higgs boson, it is only just the beginning.”
- http://www.topsecretwriters.com/
“Everything You Wanted To Know About Higgs Boson
"The Higgs Boson, Part I"
by Minute Physics
"The Higgs Boson. What more need be said? Two more Higgs videos coming soon. Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics- all in a minute!"
Also, explore a map of the big bang! http://www.bigbangregistry.com
"Theory of Everything" video: http://bit.ly/yEj0xG
"What is Matter" video: http://bit.ly/ywH3tn
You did want to know all about this, didn't you? lol - CP
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