The Economy: "Jim Rogers: Duck and Cover"

"Jim Rogers: Duck and Cover"
by ETF Daily News

"As another sign that American institutions have degenerated toward banana-republic class, what was once considered safe and risk-free, cash balances held at brokerage firms as well as many other institutions, are no longer safe, according to legendary investor Jim Rogers of Rogers Holdings. With the latest scandal involving $215 million of missing customer funds at Chicago-based privately-held futures trading firm Peregrine Financial Group Inc. (PFGBest) a distinct trend has emerged that will most likely reveal in the months and years to come that the entire financial system is riddled with fraud, the level of which, could be so pervasive and systemic as to provide for the proverbial ‘black swan’ bank run of the collapse of the global financial system—despite central banker efforts to prop asset prices up with sanctioned counterfeit money.

“No such thing as safe when you talk about it,” Rogers told in response to a question regarding investing during times of crisis.  “Even if you put your money in cash, if you put your money in the wrong cash, you lose a lot of money. As the people in Iceland have found out, as the people in Europe on the Euro have found out.  So, no such thing as safe. Nationalism will emerge. Healthier countries will not see fit to spend their hard earned money to bail out their less responsible neighbors."

The 69-year-old Rogers has gone on record on more than a dozen occasions that he sees terrible times for the U.S. economy and markets after the November elections, with the years 2013 and 2014 drastically changing the mood among Americans from one of hope to one of panic and despair. “The problem is: I expect to see serious economic problems in 2013 and 2014 in the U.S,” Rogers said.  “If and when that happens, we’re going to see a final panic in the markets and the economy and everything will have a crescendo and a selling climax.” And a continuation of the economic downturn, which began in 2008, is expected to reveal, not only how bad and to what extent the economy and investment marketplace have deteriorated, but how much of the shocking state of decline of enterprise America has been hidden from the public through the complicity of the traditional media outlets.

Though Rogers wears a reputation as a mild-mannered straight-talking billionaire, appealing to a more-general audience of investors, another Jim, investment newsletter writer Jim Willie, in contrast, ‘gives it’ to his readers hard, fast and dirty. “The entire financial system of the Western world is imploding,” Willie, the publisher of the famed Hat Trick Letter, said in an interview with "Bull Market Think," Dec. 5, 2011.  “There is exponentially rising risks for individuals and their money…the risk right now–is people losing their entire life savings. I cannot seem to get people to understand this.”

Willie, who, before the crash of 2008, was referred to as “Crazy Jim” by his peers for his seemingly outrageous market and social-political predictions, warned investors in December 2011, a month following the MF Global fraud, “Several million private accounts may vanish–Brokerage accounts, Pension funds, Mutual funds; they’re all at risk.  We are getting into the middle stages of implosion, where I believe the public will not wake up until at least one million private accounts are stolen, and completely vanish.” It now appears that another Jim Willie “crazy” prediction has splashed cold water of truth on the faces of his critics, with the straight-laced Rogers now backing him up.

Irrespective of style and tone, both the pre-baby boomer Jim Rogers and baby boomer Jim Willie have communicated their analysis of today’s America and financial system to a broad audience desperately seeking wisdom and advice during these most extraordinary times.  And, again, for the record, both men advocate holding gold during the bizarre financial, political and geopolitical upheaval we witness on a daily basis, because, as former partner of Jim Rogers at the famed Quantum Fund, George Soros, has said, “Act II” of the global financial crisis is yet to come. Nothing but gold (silver, too) in your hands comes with a counter party or access to tax from a criminal government desperate enough to confiscate your wealth to keep their power.”
"Jim Rogers’ Warning: Riots Coming To America"

"Global Financial System, A 'Dead End of Historic Proportions'”

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