Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.12.12"
"Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.12.12"
Greg Hunter’s
Greg Hunter’s
"The Vice Presidential debate was this week, and it was supposed to get into the real down and dirty numbers. Vice Presidents rarely make a difference in the outcome of a Presidential election, so who cares who won. I am focusing on what is not said, and both parties conveniently leave out the $85 billion a month the Fed is printing to bail out bankers and suppress interest rates. Both parties get plenty of help from the mainstream media not talking about the real issues. For example, yesterday’s USA Today ran a piece titled “Analysis: Recovery begins to look normal.” This is analysis? You’ve got to be kidding me. What is “normal” about unprecedented money printing that will total more than $1 trillion a year and interest rates frozen to near 0% until 2015? If the U.S. was in a real so-called “recovery,” the Fed would not be printing $85 billion a month in “open-ended” (unlimited) QE, or what most people simply call money printing. By the way, the IMF said this week it sees an “alarmingly high” risk of a much deeper worldwide downturn. I guess the IMF doesn’t see a recovery either.
Some other stories not getting much coverage are the Turkey/Syrian border skirmishes and the U.S. sending troops to Jordan. The Turkey/Syrian situation appears to be getting worse. They have been trading artillery shots on Syria’s northern border, and now Turkey forced a passenger plane to land in its capital on suspicion of carrying military cargo. It looks like this conflict could widen a war in the Middle East. Now, the U.S. is sending troops to Syria’s southern border. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said it is to strengthen the Jordanian military for violence spilling out of Syria. I think this is an ominous development, and this story was also underreported in the MSM. Join Greg Hunter as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up."
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