Psychology: “The Learned Optimism Test”

“The Learned Optimism Test”
by Stanford University

The Instructions: Adapted from Dr. Martin Seligman's book, "Learned Optimism", there are forty-eight (48) questions in this evaluation test. Take as much time as you need to answer each of the questions. On average, this test takes about fifteen minutes. There are no right or wrong answers. Do NOT read the analysis in "Learned Optimism" until after you have completed this test. Read the description of each situation and vividly imagine it happening to you. You have probably not experienced some of the situations, but that should not matter. Perhaps neither response will fit; bout go ahead and choose the cause likelier to apply to you. You may not like the way some of the responses sound, but don't choose what you think you should say or what would sound right right to other people; choose the response you'd be likelier to have."

Take the Learned Optimism Test here:

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