“What An Astronaut's Camera Sees at Night”

“What An Astronaut's Camera Sees at Night”
By Ryan Grenoble

"Ever wonder what an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) sees at night? A new video posted to YouTube has pulled back the curtain on that mystery, and the results are spectacular. The video, simply titled "What an Astronaut's Camera Sees at Night," features a voiceover by Dr. Justin Wilkinson, a scientist at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.

For nearly five minutes, Dr. Wilkinson points out features of the Earth's geography as the ISS soars above major population centers, mountain ranges, and several lightning-blasted thunderstorms. The nighttime sky doesn't disappoint. Astronauts capture the moon setting behind Earth's atmosphere, where the moon is distorted into an odd oval shape. The video also shows the re-entry of the ISS supply ship in early morning just before sunrise -- appearing as an extended meteorite.

An earlier video (also narrated by Dr. Wilkinson) explored astronauts' views aboard the ISS during the day. That video, posted in June of 2011, has well over 1.5 million views. Can't get enough? A time-lapse video from the ISS, published earlier this year, features a more artsy interpretation of the view- and it's spectacular.”

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