“Reality & Truth Divorced,” James Howard Kunstler Interview

“Reality & Truth Divorced,” James Howard Kunstler Interview
by Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog.com

“Journalist/Author James Howard Kunstler says, “We have epochal divergence between reality and truth. When you divorce them from each other, you start to get a society that’s in trouble.” Kunstler, who cut his teeth at Rolling Stone magazine in the 70’s, has seen plenty, but nothing like what’s going on now. “The banking system has been kept going on accounting fraud since the crash of 2008,” says Kunstler. He says the banks are “...holding leadership hostage in an attempt to desperately keep our economic system going at all costs.” The big financial problem Kunstler sees in the not-so-distant future is “capital scarcity.” Kunstler says, “The main problem is the money we hoped we would have to run our economy on really isn’t there. It is increasingly notional fantasy money.” You have been told repeatedly by the mainstream media that we are in a “recovery,” but Kunstler sees just the opposite. “The problem with complex systems is they break down in complex ways, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing,” says Kunstler. Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with James Howard Kunstler of Kunstler.com.”

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