"Fukushima Urgent Warning: Estimate of Situation”

“Prometheus Trap: 
Tears From An Old Japan Hand At The State Department”
by Hiroyoshi Itabashi

“How did the [U.S.] State Department assess the way the Japanese government was responding to the nuclear crisis? An internal report on the issue secretly circulated among top State Department officials on that day [March 16, 2011] contained one word that would answer that question–”FUBAR,” or F—– Up Beyond All Recognition. Also on that day, [Kurt Campbell, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs] attended a meeting of senior officials at the State Department  He informed the attendants of the department’s decision to declare a “voluntary evacuation” from Japan. One of the senior officials present at the meeting recalls seeing tears in Campbell’s eyes.”
- http://enenews.com/
“Urgent Warning: Fukushima Estimate of Situation” 
by Gen. Albert Stubblebine, Ret.
“MOX fuel-Corium-Plutonium in Fukushima Daiichi” 
by Fukushima311watchdogs

“The range for Mox assemblies believed to have been inside reactor 3 range from 164 assemblies to 32 mox assemblies. At the low end estimate of 32 mox assemblies, we still get a scary total of 5.5 tons of fuel containing more than 300 kg of plutonium. 300 kg is therefore equivalent to 300 billion lethal doses.”
 Hat tip to Alex Noble for this material.

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