"Men and Women- Different Languages"

• Women’s Language: Women like to say “We never go out”, “The house is always a mess”, “No one listens to me anymore”, “You don’t love me any more“, etc. Women tend to use various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations when she’s upset or frustrated. But she doesn’t expect those words to be taken literally. They are just used to fully express her feelings and ask for a particular support. However, men mistakenly take these expressions literally and misunderstand the intended meaning. He thinks she’s blaming him and commonly reacts in an unsopportive manner. Then it leads to arguments. At such times, it’s important for men to rethink or translate what they have heard and show their caring and support.
• Men’s Language: In contrast to women’s talking about feelings, men become silent when they are having problems or not sure about something. Men won’t respond until they figure things out. Even when women ask, men will only say something brief like “I’m OK”, “It’s fine”, “I’m all right”, “It’s no problem”, etc. While women don’t understand the language of men, they think he doesn’t care about her and ignores her. Arguments may arise then. At such times, women need to think about men’s language and try not to get them to talk. A man wants his woman to trust that he can handle his problem. He also wants her to be happy and do something enjoyable at this time so that he can has one less problem to solve. Both men and women need to stop offering the method of caring they would prefer and start to learn the different ways their partners think, feel, and react."
- http://cynthiazhai.wordpress.com/page/4/
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