Human Nature: "Self-Awareness"

"Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle. It's all about humanity's adventures in time or wonderland. Everything is melting down. It would appear the general population is going crazy. People are increasingly dissatisfied, burned out, ill, anxious, acting out, all of which is a reflection of the changing grid frequencies that are accelerating. We are at the point of no return - the Rubicon.

This takes us to self awareness. Who are you? Who are you becoming? What is your self image? An important question in self-image goes to, "What is the basis of your self-image - your own preconceptions or the evaluation of others? What is the true foundation of your self-image? If you look good, you feel good. If you are working on yourself, your energies levels and conscious awareness increases.

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment." - Lao Tzu

Self awareness, is as it denotes, means becoming aware of yourself - your limitations, emotionally and physically and your learning challenges. Anything that blocks your way to finding your soul purpose will be addressed and answered. Take a look at your to DNA (genetic bloodline) patterns, your age, medications you are taking, substance abuse, diet, amount of sleep you are getting, unresolved issues that have festered for years, the influences of those you live near of with, people you are forced to work with, what makes you feel out of balance, your physical appearance such as overweight, etc.

Awareness is the first step in the creation process. As you grow in self awareness, you will better understand why you feel what you feel and why you behave as you behave. That understanding then gives you the opportunity and freedom to change those things you'd like to change about yourself and create the life you want. Without fully knowing who you are, self acceptance and change become impossible. Having clarity about who you are and what you want (and why you want it), empowers you to consciously and actively make those wants manifest in physical reality. Otherwise, you'll continue to get caught up in your own internal dramas and unknown beliefs, allowing unknown thought processes to determine your feelings and actions. If you think about it, not understanding why you do what you do, and feel what you feel is like going through your life with a stranger's mind. How do you make wise decisions and choices if you don't understand why you want what you want? It's a difficult and chaotic way to live never knowing what this stranger is going to do next.

To move into consciousness, there are many books, CD's and Programs you can find on the Internet to help you. I always recommend self professional self, a psychiatrist, at the very least for evaluation. Working with counselors can also be influential if you find the person who is right for you. Don't let that person keep you in 'dream land' though with metaphysical thoughts, jargon and channeled theories that are outdated. Move along quickly.

• Self-awareness is the explicit understanding that one exists. Furthermore, it includes the concept that one exists as an individual, separate from other people, with private thoughts. It may also include the understanding that other people are similarly self-aware. Self-awareness remains a critical mystery in philosophy, psychology, biology, and artificial intelligence. Self-awareness is a unique type of consciousness, in that it is not always present.

• Self-consciousness is credited with the development of identity. In an epistemological sense, self-consciousness is a personal understanding of the very core of one's own identity. It is during periods of self-consciousness that people come the closest to knowing themselves objectively. Jean Paul Sartre describes self-consciousness as being "non-positional", in that it is not from any location in particular.

• Self-consciousness plays a large role in behavior as it is common to act differently when people "lose one's self in a crowd". It is the basis for human traits, such as accountability and consciousness. It also plays a large role in religion, and existentialism. Self-consciousness affects people in varying degrees, as some people self-monitor (or scrutinize) themselves more than others. Different cultures vary in the importance they place on self-consciousness."

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