The Mogambo Guru, "Stable Money Supply: The Real Way to Help the Poor"
By The Mogambo Guru
The truth is that I am now continuing to write, as after writing that last horrific sentence about “increase the money supply”, I took the rest of the morning off to think about it, hopefully to calm my shattered nerves. Now I am back at work after discovering that I am more, much more than horrified, and instead am in a Raging Mogambo Snit (RMS) because, according to Fox News, “Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the influential Finance Committee” said that the “overhaul” of the healthcare system was “an ‘income shift’ to help the poor”, which is not what I am angry about because it’s exactly true, else why do it? So you can’t fault him for saying what is true! Hahaha!
However, I can fault Senator Baucus for just being a typical laughable-yet-loathsome modern Democrat, entirely emblematic as he is of the egotistical big-hearted people who love, and live to love, and love to live to love, and who think that the Beatles were right when they sang “All you need is love”, and use their arrogant “more-compassionate-than-thou” conceit as a bloody bludgeon to beat into submission common sense, economics, the entire history of fiat currencies, and the eternal problem of what to do with the poor people, the crippled people and the old people.
Instead, the Federal Reserve will be forced to create so Monstrously Much Money (MMM) to finance a cancerously enlarging government to drown us in total debt, and thus continuously, massively enlarge the monetary base, which must make prices rise and rise continuously, prices which the poor can’t afford to pay and which makes them poorer, which makes Congress borrow and spend more money, which makes the money supply rise and rise, with prices always rising and rising as the monetary base gets larger and larger, round and around, whirling and twirling, spinning, spinning, spinning until you fall to the ground, crying out, dramatically, “Noooooo! More money only creates, paradoxically, more poor working people to add to the huge existing population of poor people because wage increases always lag price increases!”
Senator Baucus does not acknowledge my scorn or compliment me on my fine acting performance, and I hope everyone noticed how he would not meet my gaze, either, and instead lamely talks about “income mal-distribution” by saying that “Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America”, like this is some kind of news to him or something.
To this I say, “Hahahaboohoohoohahahaboohoohaboohaboohaha!” which shows that I am laughing and crying, and then laughing, and then crying, and then laughing, and then crying while laughing at the sheer idiocy of it, which proves that it must be idiotic for me to be laughing that way, QED. Then, to show that he is a true Democrat, he says, “This legislation will have the effect of addressing the mal-distribution of income in America”, although he did not elaborate by saying, “by taking it away from somebody richer and giving it to someone poorer” and he did not say, “it will be paid for with fiat money created by the Federal Reserve so that Congress can borrow and spend it” and he did not say, “this unprecedented avalanche of new money will monstrously drive up prices paid by the poor, making them much, much poorer and angrier” but he could have and he should have.
Apparently, though, Senator Baucus is kind of stupid, as he does not understand that when a government deficit-spends, it does so by borrowing the money, but since the poor don’t have any money to loan to the government, the rich end up borrowing the money to loan to the government, whereupon the rich, over time, get all their money back, plus interest, making them richer, while, unfortunately, the poor get poorer because prices have risen.
All of these things he could have said, and he might as well have said, as it is all there in black and white at, or it should be, and might well be! And while neither he nor said to buy gold, silver and oil as protection against this sheer economic idiocy and insanity, they might as well have, and while I cannot imagine either of them saying, “Whee! This investing stuff is easy” I certainly will! Whee!"
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