The Borowitz Report: "Gaddafi’s Refusal to Quit is 'Desperate,' Says Brett Favre"

"Gaddafi’s Refusal to Quit is 'Desperate,' Says Brett Favre"
Former NFL Great Calls on Libyan to Retire
by Andy Borowitz

TRIPOLI (The Borowitz Report)– "The call for Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi to step down grew louder today, as former NFL great Brett Favre called Mr. Gaddafi’s refusal to quit “desperate.” “I think there’s a time to throw in the towel, and this clearly is the time,” Mr. Favre said of the Libyan dictator.  “What’s weird to me is that it seems painfully obvious to everyone but him.”

Mr. Favre said that Mr. Gaddafi’s desire to hold on at all costs “could wind up damaging people’s memory of all the good years he had.” “The spectacle of an old man hanging in there when he’s clearly lost it, well, there’s only one word for that: embarrassing,” he said.  “It’s painful to watch.” Mr. Favre said that he feels so strongly about this issue that he has reached out to Mr. Gaddafi, urging him to retire. “He hasn’t responded to my texts,” Mr. Favre said, “but I’m used to that.”
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