Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.20.12"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.20.12"
By Greg Hunter’s

"Syria is on fire.  Top aides of President Assad were killed in a bombing attack this week by rebels.  The government responded by shelling neighborhoods around Damascus.  Syria is threatening to take its chemical weapons out of storage.  Israel is worried these weapons could fall into the hands of Hezbollah and is threatening a preemptive attack.  Increased sanctions against Syria were vetoed in the U.N. by China and Russia.  Russia has called for an immediate cease fire on all sides with no luck.  This civil war is 16 months old and has claimed the lives of more than 14,000 Syrians.  Remember, this was just this week.  Meanwhile, in Bulgaria, a suicide bomber killed seven people on a tour bus packed with Israelis.  Many others were badly injured.  Benjamin Netanyahu claims Iranian-backed Hezbollah did the crime and promises a response.  He also said, “The most dangerous country in the world cannot have the most dangerous weapons on earth.”  That should speak volumes on where this is heading, and the Middle East is experiencing a very big military build-up on all sides.  

Closer to home, not everyone was on the winning end of the fraudulent rigging of Libor interest rates.  It is a key rate used in setting interest rates on as much as $800 trillion in transactions globally.  Things such as credit cards, mortgages and derivatives are affected.  Now, some big Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are contemplating lawsuits.  Wall Street banker Jim Rickards says an avalanche of litigation could bring down the banking system.  I will feature Rickards in a One-on-One interview Monday.  Bernanke testified in front of Congress this week, and he’s worried about the economy!  For one thing, jobless claims are up again.  What happened to the so-called recovery?  People I talk to say lots of money printing is on the way.  New numbers for pensions are out.  There is a $4.6 trillion shortfall.  Every corner of America is either broke or has been robbed.  

Finally, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio now says President Obama’s birth certificate is definitely “fraudulent.”  The state of Hawaii says otherwise.  My question is if this is a big lie the Sheriff is telling, then why don’t the mainstream media do an investigation and prove Arpaio wrong.  If he is lying, he should be destroyed and humiliated.  Come on Washington Post, Boston Globe, NBC, ABC and CBS.  Hire a team who will probably work pro bono, and put this to rest.  After all, Arpaio says this is a “fraudulent” document that can be found on a government website, and it involves the President of the United States.  Greg Hunter has analysis of these stories and more on the Weekly News Wrap-Up."


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